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Look Where You Are Going

Look where you are going, because you will inevitably go where you are looking.
Where your attention is, there is your destiny.
Attention is the key to life. Whatever you really give your attention to, you become. Whatever you really concentrate upon will come into your life. We grow into the thing that fills our thoughts as inevitably as the stream emerges into the ocean at last.
The Bible says that as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. It does not say simply as a man thinketh, but as he thinketh in hiS heart, and this means thinking with interest and feeling.
It has been said that we grow like the thing we admire, but since we are certain to think a good deal about what we really admire, this is only another way of saying that we become the thing to which we give our attention.
This law is often illustrated most amusingly in practical life. The "horsy" man with his equine looks, is known to us all. Kipling speaks of a Newfoundland fisherman who appeared for all the world like a great codfish himself, and Dickens speaks of a pedantic old lawyer who looked just like an animated roll of parchment. Keep your eyes open for these amusing dramatizations, and be sure to take to heart the tremendous lesson that they teach.

Stop Limiting God

The principal reason why prayers are not answered, why treatments do not demonstrate, is because in our hearts we limit the power of God. The Bible constantly tells us that the people got into trouble because they limited the Holy One.
When you say, "there is no way out of my difficulty," what can it possibly mean except that you cannot see a way out? When you say, "It is too late now," what can that possibly mean except that it is too late for you ? When you say, "This problem is too great," what can it possibly mean, except that it is too great for the faith that you have at the moment?
When you pray or treat you are turning to the power of God and surely you will admit that God is omnipotent, and therefore nothing can be too difficult, or too
late, or to soon for Him. you will surely admit that Infinite Wisdom knows at least more than you do, to put the thing rather mildly. Well, Infinite Wisdom takes action when we pray and so our own limitations do not matter - unless we think they do.
Children often find themselves completely overcome by a difficulty that a grown-up person easily solves. What to the child seemed an impossibility is quite easy to his father, and so even our greatest difficulties are utterly simple to God. Think of a child just learning subtraction. He reaches the point where he understands how to take six from eight. Then he gets the little problem of taking eight from twelve and his faith in arithmetic collapses.
To him it is obvious that you cannot take eight from two and that is the end of the matter. Teacher, however, sees a little farther and shows him how it can easily be done.
        Infinite Wisdom knows a simple way out of every problem, a beautiful and joyous solution to any dilemma that can come to anyone, ant it is only your ingrained habit of limiting God that keeps Him from giving us perfect harmony.
Do not limit the power of God for good in your life.

To Him That Hath

For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.
-MATTHEW 25:29

        This great text has been a stumbling-block to many. It looks like injustice. It sounds like cruelty. Yet Jesus said it, and we know that he was always right and that he taught that we reap as we SOW.
        The explanation is perfectly simple and logical when you have the metaphysical key to life. Your experience is the outpicturing or expression (pressing out) of your state of mind or consciousness, at any time. When your consciousness is high or relatively good, everything goes well. When your consciousness is relatively low or limited, everything goes wrong.
Trouble comes because the consciousness has fallen a little. The usual thing then is to meet the trouble with fear, anger, disappointment, self-pity, or brutal will power. This naturally lowers the consciousness a good deal more, and things get still worse - and so on. From him that hath not (much) harmony, shall be taken away even that which he hath.
Harmony and joy come into your life because your mental state is comparatively high. This happiness naturally raises your consciousness and your faith in God still higher, and so things improve further. Unto everyone that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance.
        All this is a simple statement of natural law, and to understand and apply this law will bring you out of any difficulty into harmony and true success. What seemed at first to be unjust and cruel turns out to be a trumpet call of courage and hope.
        The proverb "It never rains but it pours" is another way of stating the same law.
        Let us thank God that this wonderful law exists.

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